Samsung Galaxy SII

Mini series

Mini series

After having collaborated with the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the client tapped Biota to work on a campaign to promote the Samsung Galaxy SII.

Biota´s creative proposal was based on designing a mini-series of 5 episodes of 1 minute each to show the attributes and features of the smartphone in a fun and different way.

The 3D characters that Biota had created for the Galaxy Tab project returned to become the protagonists of these new stories, as well as an additional adaptation developed to support the Galaxy Family line.

The 5 animations allowed Biota to consolidate a great working relationship with Samsung Venezuela that lasted many years.

Episode I

Episode II

Episode III

Episode IV

Episode V

Cinema advertising

Tech company | Mobile

Product launch

Mini series for a smartphone

Creativity concept

Design | 3D animation

Client: Samsung Venezuela
Production: Biota Studios