Only “marketers” can make videos?

By “marketers” we mean marketing executives and related areas in corporations. We differentiate them from the rest of the employees who work in other areas, such as legal, finance, IT, HR, and…

How many videos per year?

A study published by the prestigious automation marketing software firm Hubspot on companies in the US (2020), indicates that on average participating companies published eighteen (18) videos per month. From this number…

Our daily video

For no one is a revelation the power that audiovisual content has achieved in recent years and the growing trend that seems not to stop. Social networks, online platforms, applications, emails, vlogs,…

Animated video for all departments

Current dynamics in corporations makes it necessary to decentralize communication management. Corporate communications and marketing departments have been so far a bottleneck in communication processes. In many cases for taking care of…

10. Online

Final animation with SXF and soundtrack After this stage there are no excuses for you and us. Your video should be spectacular!

9. Offline

Full animation with finishing details accompanied by soundtrack proposals Your video will be small in size but it’ll look great at this stage, mostly.